Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Favorite Poems Project @ Lawton Poets and Writers

Howdy, everyone. We are in the midst of National Poetry Month. As part of this celebration, Lawton Poets and Writers will post favorite poems.
Starting tomorrow, Wednesday, April 14, we will post a new poem for twenty consecutive days.

The poems will come from all of us. Send us your favorite poems to lawtonpoets@gmail.com. Whether the poem is long, short, funny, or dramatic, we want to see it. The poem does not have to be from someone famous. We'd like to see any poems by any authors. We will select one each day. If possible, send it as a document or in the text of the email. Include the title, poet's name, and the full text of the poem. On our blog, we will display the poem along with the names of the poet and the person who submitted the poem.

National Poetry Month celebrates a beautiful art form which often gets overlooked. Certainly, it is under appreciated. Hopefully, we will all share some new poems to add to your own collections of favorites.

Link to Lawton Poets and Writers Favorite Poems Project

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