Saturday, March 6, 2010

Submit to OKIE

OKIE Magazine posted this to their Facebook page the other day:

Photographers, artists, musicians, writers ...OKIE is currently seeking submissions for inclusion in upcoming issues of our publication. Please click the link below for details on submitting your works. Want to help out with the magazine on a regular basis and be part of a great group of volunteers - drop me a line at .

OKIE Magazine Submission Guidelines

I may have mentioned in another post or four that I write for the OKIE, and I can tell you ... they might be trying to find people who are more punctual and less pirate-talky.

Seriously, though. I love writing for OKIE Mag or even thinking of things to write for it. The process always introduces me to new ways of appreciating the things that are happening right around me. I've interviewed people for a couple of the articles I've written, and now I find that I am always thinking of interview questions I want to ask the people I meet. I now notice interesting places around town that I might have passed by before. Because I'm looking for them. I'm beginning to think about Lawton as a story I want to tell people. So that's why I like writing for OKIE Mag.

I believe at some point I will also be given a free t-shirt or something like that.

Anyway, I hope you'll check out the latest issue and consider contributing to a future issue. Occasionally, OKIE Magazine will consider poetry and fiction as well as non-fiction, though they are not a literary magazine.

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